How to get more than 1000 downloads on dropbox
How to get more than 1000 downloads on dropbox

I’ve been using more Microsoft services lately Office 365 and Windows 8.1 make it easy to use SkyDrive, although with any service that maps to the file system it’s not especially hard. Out of the alternatives I’ve had my eye mostly on SkyDrive. I have a 200GB Dropbox account, the subscription for which expires in October, so I thought I would re-evaluate things. Google Drive was OK as was SkyDrive, but at the time Dropbox seemed the best deal because the software was drop-dead simple and many of the people I was working with already used it.

how to get more than 1000 downloads on dropbox

There are others, like SugarSync, but I’ve never paid much attention to them.Ībout a year ago I gave Box and Google Drive serious attempts. I’ve tried a bunch of these services in the past: Box, Google Drive and Microsoft SkyDrive. My opinion is that it got this good reputation for a simple reason: It has the best software. There are a few biggies in the market, but Dropbox is the biggest, best-known name. Any cloud storage service that also supported all the platforms I need would do as well… wouldn’t it? But it’s the cloud - not Dropbox specifically - that has made the difference. The ability to get at my files from anywhere has made a huge difference. Nothing has changed the way I use computers in the last few years more than Dropbox.

How to get more than 1000 downloads on dropbox